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Category: Security

Psst…Can You Keep a Secret?

Okay, let’s take a quick poll—everybody whose email password is password, please raise your hand… …if you raised your hand, please go directly to your computer and change your email password now (do not pass GO, do not collect $200, etc., etc.).  The rest of you might want to wipe those smug grins off your … Continued

E-waste Lots, Want Not

We live digital lifestyles packed full of computers, smart phones, tablets and various other electricity-eating accessories—and our modern lives come with modern problems: It’s hard enough keeping up with the never-ending wave of new gadgets and gizmos…now we have to figure out how to safely dispose of our steadily growing pile of defunct and defective … Continued

There’s a Bug in My Apple!

Newsflash: Macs are vulnerable to virus attacks—film at 11! Yes, you read that right—your shiny Apple could be hiding a worm. Now, this isn’t “new” news—about two years ago, we launched an email campaign recommending that our Mac-based clients should get on the antivirus bandwagon, and many of you took that recommendation.