A web designer is someone who knows how to devise visually compelling, useable, brand-appropriate web pages.
Web Designer vs. Web Developer
The title “Web Designer” and “Web Developer” have significant overlap, but the terms do refer to different aspects of the web development process.
Basically, Web Designer deals specifically with the visual elements of the website. On the other hand, A Web Developer can work on more than just the “look” of the site. They handle aspects of development such as functionality and security as well.
Why Use a Web Designer?
Since, in theory, Developers do everything a Designer does but more, you might wonder what the use of Web Designers are at all.
The answer is: a single Web Developer is best when looking at smaller, less intricate sites. As the project size increases in depth and complexity, it helps to work with a team of specialists. (Click here to read our article about the different types of websites.)
Still, Web Design is closely related to other aspects of Web Development. For example, your Web Design choices can influence how Google ranks your website. Similarly, how your developer structures the backend of your website can limit (or increase) your design options. It’s important to choose a team (or individual) who understands how web design affects and relates to the more technical “under the hood” aspects of Web Development
What Skills Does a Web Designer Need?
Web designers should have experience formulating web page layouts that reflect an in-depth understanding of web design best practices. In addition to web-specific expertise (including a mastery of the HTML and CSS languages), a web designer should have a general knowledge of graphic design.
To do this, the web designer should be able to aid in creating visual assets such as buttons, contact forms, banners, menus, headers, and footers. They may also help with choices around color, font, and stock photos. They craft pages that encourage users to take some desired action, such as adding items to their cart, making appointments, joining a mailing list, etc.
Web Design is an important part of the larger Web Development process. While there is a large cross-over between design and development, they are not synonymous. Designers are especially important on larger projects and should work closely with teammates to ensure the front and back end of the site will work together seamlessly.
Hopefully, this overview has given a clear definition of one of the most important aspects of Web Development. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us for clarification.